Product Innovation Production or Delivery Innovation Organizational Innovation
New or significantly improved product or service New or improved raw materials, production techniques, equipment, technology, grape growing and transformation techniques, and logistics New or significantly improved methods in business practices, workplace organization, or external relations
Product and brand differentiation Patent new technologies New business or management strategy
Change in components Use of organic, chemical, and innovative substances New human resources policies
Change in product design Reduction of material, water, and energy use New manufacturing management system
Sales of hotter climate varieties Use materials with less greenhouse gas-intensive Quality control
New wine container closures Recycle waste, water, materials Simpliļ¬cation of the decision-making process
Types of wine produced, new varietals Alternative energy use, packaging, and waste disposal New forms of human resources training
New wines responsive to consumer trends Reduction of refrigeration loads New organizational philosophies, culture, or organizational structure
Organic products/farming Energy-efficient technology New competitor connections
New product development through OI, product development speed Grow grapes suitable for hot temperatures, establish vineyards in areas less subject to climate risk Next-generation organizational policies, practices, mechanisms, and structures
New tasting room Canopy management techniques Marketing/Communication Innovation
Entry-level trendy wines New distribution through open innovation New marketing tools (QR code, website, newsletter, wine club, training course)
Educate young consumers' palates through events Warehousing and breeding innovation Strengthen brand
Increased quality Organic certification New or significantly improved marketing methods
Design new products with new technologies Wildlife protection New promotion/sales through open innovation
Enhance existing products with new technology Improved value chain activities (i.e., changing buying practices, sale of wine by-products, and technical advice/support from peers) Enter new markets, new market segment
New packaging/labels Monitoring wine quality with biosensors Raise wine status
New bundles of products and services Heated and refrigerated maceration Market carbon policy
New box containers for high-end wines Photovoltaic roofing Wine selling innovation
A large range of wines offered Biotechnologies applied to yeasts Family promotes wines
Niche products based on typical or organic products Submerged cover fermentation Use of social media to promote wine products